Still Hopes Exhibition Entry Open!
Now's the time!! Online entries are now being accepted for this year's Still Hopes Exhibition. This is our 7th annual winter exhibition and we're looking forward to seeing all your great artwork in this new show.
This exhibition is open to all CCAL Members in Good Standing (MIGS). A MIGS is one who has paid their membership dues for the current year and has attended at least three (3) monthly CCAL meetings, in person or by Zoom, within the year prior to the show. For this show, eligible meetings include December, January, February, April, May, September, October, and November. Entries will be accepted online only. and artwork will be juried by Craig Houston. Jurying will be conducted on December 1 and winners will be announced at the award reception Saturday, December 7, 4:30-6pm (Awards at 5pm).
A $30 non-refundable entry fee entitles each artist to enter one or two two-dimensional works of art. View the full prospectus HERE. Entry includes online submission of one or two works of art. Your first entry should be your “A” entry. All “A” entries are guaranteed to be in until we reach our 50-piece limit. If we have not reached our 50 piece limit by the closing date, ”B” entries will be entered in the order in which they were received through the online entry process until the entry limit has been reached.
Questions? Contact Show Chair Kay Fox