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September 2021 Presenter: Gretchen Parker

Writer's picture: the CCALthe CCAL

NOTICE!!! -due to Covid complications, this meeting will now be conducted via ZOOM only. (Link below)

We invite you to join us at our meeting on Monday September 20, 2021 for some fun and fellowship! This is our first monthly members meeting for the season. Hope to see you there - members and guests welcome!

In September, our presenter will be Gretchen Parker, well known award winning local colored pencil artist and instructor. Her work is a real treat. Gretchen will be showing her methods of work and the various surfaces she uses for her colored pencil work.

NOTE: Beginning with this meeting, we are making an adjustment to the time and location for our meetings due to a permanent change to earlier closing hours at Crooked Creek Park. Please be sure to make a note on your calendar and plan accordingly!

Gathering and Greeting on Zoom: 5:45pm-6pm

Meeting/Presentation: 6pm-8pm

To keep the business meeting shorter, please review the information provided by our President regarding Board business activities and decisions prior to the meeting <Click HERE>.

The Zoom session will open at 5:45pm

The Meeting will begin at 6pm

(See Zoom link details at bottom of this post)

(Click on any image to view larger.)

Artwork by Gretchen Parker


Gretchen Evans Parker, CPSA/CPX - OTRL/ret.

Photo of Artist: Gretchen Parker

Gretchen Evans Parker, CPSA/CPX - OTRL/ret., Is a retired pediatric/hippotherapist occupational therapist. She has embarked on a second career in fine art since retiring. The avant garde medium of colored pencil allows her to achieve great detail and realism in her paintings. In her wildest dreams, Gretchen could never imagine how well-received her art would be nor where it would take her. Her commissioned portraits hang in homes around the Midlands and USA. Her work has won many awards and honors including signature status in the Colored Pencil Society of America. She is also a juried member of the International Guild of Realism and has been juried into several of their solons. Gretchen has written extensively on colored pencil artwork. She authored Volume III in the CP Surfaces series "Colored Pencil on Drafting Film" which can be found on Her work has been featured in several publications locally, nationally, and internationally. It has also been hung as galleries both locally and in San Francisco. She has taught classes both in SC and around the USA as well as on Zoom. Gretchen also offers monthly classes in her home for both newbies and experienced CP artists.


The CCAL is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: CCAL General Meeting

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 894 0493 6824

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Meeting ID: 894 0493 6824

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A reminder to our members:

A reminder to our members about the TAP Gallery Wall Display:

May 17 - Sept 20:

  • The Artists Place (TAP) Gallery theme: Feathered Friends and Wildlife Contest Artwork

Sept 20 - Oct 18:

  • The Artists Place (TAP) Gallery theme: Best in Show Winner Showcase - Anne Hightower Patterson



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