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May Message from Our President

Crooked Creek Art League Logo

May 12, 2022

Dear Fellow Crooked Creek Art League Members:

Our year has flown by so quickly. We have survived another year of Covid-19 restrictions. As

we break for summer, enjoy your time with family and friends, invite your artist friends and

family to join us for another year of great workshops and speakers. I can’t wait until

September gets here.

Hope you are all planning to attend our final meeting and bring some of your favorite

“potluck" to share. We will be meeting Monday, May 16th, 2022 in the front room at Crook

Creek Park. Social time is roughly 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. During this time, you will enjoy your food

and admire all the beautiful artwork. We will begin our business meeting promptly at 6:00

p.m. We will have all work shared. Then we will allow a short time to view one last time and

vote for the Member’s Choice from our theme.

Debra Kelly has done an amazing job preparing for “Treasures in My Backyard” Member

Contest. Please try to sign up early with Debra so we can be prepared. Please arrive a little

early (4:30 to 4:45) with an easel to display your masterpiece. Debra has some guidelines that

you need to follow to make things easier. Can’t wait to see all the amazing “Backyard


Hopefully, we will have our board determined so we can announce our leadership. If you want

to be a part and have not been called, please text, email or call me or Alex DiFrancesco. We

are still looking for help in a couple of areas. Our workshops for next year are tentatively set

as follows:

  • September 2022 Helen Beacham (watercolor)

  • October 2022 Robert Maniscalco (portraits)

  • November 2022 Laurie Meyer (oil

  • February 2023 tbd

  • March 2023 Casey Klahn (pastels)

  • April 2023 tbd

  • May 2023 tbd.

We are working on installing a way to get our new members acclimated to all the

opportunities available through Crooked Creek Art League membership. We will be sharing

more about this Monday and over the summer. Please feel free to ask questions to any of our

members for guidance.

We have had a very successful year with our great speakers at the meetings, amazing

workshops and three exhibitions/shows. A few members have been fortunate to sell some of

their artwork through our exhibits/sales.

Don’t forget to be at our final meeting on May 16th, 2022 at 5:00. Zoom participants plan on

tuning in around 6:00 p.m. I will be writing another letter after our meeting announcing the

Member’s Contest Winners and our new leadership team.


Kay Fox, President

Crooked Creek Art League

Photo of CCAL 2022 President: Kay Fox
CCAL 2022 President: Kay Fox

Quote of the Month

“Every artist dips his brush in his own soul and paints his own nature into his pictures.”

Henry Ward Beecher

Note: You can read all the president's letter at any time on this website at

Copyright Notice

Copyright for all artwork images are retained by the respective artists. No permission is given to use the images for any purpose.

© 2021 by Crooked Creek Art League and artists. All rights reserved.

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