March 2023 Meeting/20232 Juried Show Awards Reception Video Now Online
We thank all our awardees who were able to attend in person and all the members who were in attendance online for our 2023 Juried Show Awards Reception on March 24, 2023. We had a great time with roughly 100 people in attendance. It was wonderful to join with fellow members once again and to celebrate all the wonderful artwork and our many talented artists.
A huge CONGRATULATIONS again to all the winners.
If you were unable to join us or want to watch again to pick up everything you might have missed, this video is for you!
Watch the video of the Awards Reception:
We invite all members to please give us feedback on this year's show. Your input and suggestions help in planning the best possible future shows. It is a brief survey and will really help us out!
We are happy to share with you these photos from the reception of the winners receiving their awards:
A reminder to our members:
All artwork in the show must remain in place until the official take down on April 1 from 11am-2pm. If you cannot pick up your artwork during this time please make arrangements to have someone else pick it up for you. Neither the league nor the park can be responsible for unclaimed artwork. If your artwork won an award, CONGRATULATIONS. Your awarded art will be moved to the front TAP gallery on April 1 and must remain in place until April 17 when we have our next regularly scheduled meeting. Also, individual award Sponsors are offered the option to have the piece winning 'their' award (e.g., Chapin Pediatrics Award) hanging in their business location for one month following April 17. If the sponsor wants to exercise that option we will let you know so appropriate arrangements can be made.
Thank you for participating in the show!