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CCAL 2023 Juried Show

Writer's picture: the CCALthe CCAL

Photo of postcard with painting "Ocean Wonderland" by Lisa Alberghini, text "28th Annual Juried Art Show & Sale. Crooked Creek Park, 1098 Old Lexington Hwy, Chapin SC. Open to the Public Mon Feb 27 - Sat Apr 1 2023. One of the largest Juried Art Shows in the Midlands with over 200 pieces of 2D Art, 3D Art, Photography"
Featured Artwork: "Ocean Wonderland"

Dear CCAL Members,

There are only 2 weeks until the online entry for CCAL’s Annual Juried Show, 2023 opens on January 23rd!

Information for this show is located on CCAL’s website, under “Events”, “Annual Juried Show”. Please visit the site and find the “key dates” associated with the show such as when your art submissions are due. You will also see a tab that says “2023 Prospectus”. If you are a member in good standing, otherwise called a “MIGS” and want to be a part of this wonderful show then you must read and observe the standards of the prospectus. That is where you will find requirements such as size and a list of other very important regulations.

The show will be hung in the Crooked Creek Park building starting February 25th . Again, see the key dates listed on the website regarding date and time for your art to be delivered. Once it is hung or displayed it will be open to the public for the following month. The art will be juried and shortly following will be CCAL’s annual awards reception on March 24th at Crooked Creek Park.

The Prospectus lists the Juror’s and the awards for the show. A “Member’s Choice Award” will be designated after our members get an opportunity to vote for their favorite submission. Others who visit the gallery will also get to put in a vote for their favorite piece which will receive a “People’s Choice Award”.

CCAL has posters and post cards available for you to invite friends, family, colleagues and others. They will be available at our general meetings each month prior to the show. There are so many ways members can help with this event. Sign-up sheets will be available at our General Meetings for set-up/clean-up/decorate/take-in & hang art/take-down art/bring refreshments, etc. Please see if there is a way you can get involved. We have a great group of helpful people in this league for you to get to know while working together.

All members are encouraged to attend the reception even if you did not get the opportunity to submit a piece or pieces. It will be a show worth coming to see! We are looking forward to seeing the work submitted in 2-D, 3-D and Photography again this year!

Serving together,

Kay Stallings

Lainie McWilliams

Juried Show Co-chairs


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