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April 2022 Presenter: Kelly Pelfrey

Writer's picture: the CCALthe CCAL

You are invited! Please join us at our meeting on Monday April 18, 2022 for some fun and fellowship! This is our regular monthly members meeting.

Our plan is to hold this meeting in person AND via Zoom. Any changes due to Covid will be announced prior to the meeting.

Hope to see you there - members and guests welcome!

For April, our presenter will be Kelly Pelfrey. Kelly, a highly successful local artist will present:

“Should I Post?”

Why the answer is yes (and so much more)

Learn how engagement on social media can lead to both loyal fans and more Art sales. Our session will include what I've learned through experience, the heart behind connecting with your collectors, and practical tips. If Instagram has seemed overwhelming, or you're wondering if it would be worth your time, this is a meeting you won't want to miss.

If you have questions that you would like to submit on this topic,

please email them to Debi Kelly at

Kelly would like us to collect any questions in advance so she can address as many as possible during the presentation. That doesn't mean that people can't ask questions during the presentation; she just wants to get an idea in advance of what the audience would most like to hear about.

Painting: "The Sweetest Trio" by Kelly Pelfrey
"The Sweetest Trio" by Kelly Pelfrey

“Beauty is everywhere. Light and color and nature rain down as good gifts. My desire is to showcase this grace with celebratory brushstrokes, applauding all that is good and oh so lovely in our world.”


NOTE: We have made an adjustment to the time and location for our meetings due to a permanent change to earlier closing hours at Crooked Creek Park. Please be sure to make a note on your calendar and plan accordingly!

Refreshments/Social Time: 5pm-6pm

Meeting runs 6-8pm.

(Presentation will be approximately 6:30-7:30)

To give us a little more space to spread out, we will meet in the FRONT meeting room adjacent to the kitchen (where our awards reception has been held in the past). This is the first room on the left after entering through the lobby.

  • In light of current high rates of infection and CDC guidelines, we request that everyone wear masks during the meeting except when eating. The Board will revisit this policy as the situation evolves or park policies change.

To keep the business meeting shorter, please review the information provided by our President regarding Board business activities and decisions prior to the meeting <Click HERE one week prior>.

The Zoom session will open at 5:45pm

The Meeting will begin at 6pm

(See full Zoom link details at bottom of this post)


Kelly Pelfrey

Photo of Artist: Kelly Pelfrey

Kelly graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of South Carolina in 2003. As a lifelong resident of the Palmetto State, she highlights the beauty of the southern landscape, its hospitality and deep sense of home in her still life and interior works. Much of her early career centered on teaching art to children. Since 2020, she has emerged as a highly sought-after, contemporary impressionist, creating paintings “which speak of glory.” Her paintings are included in private collections throughout the United States and Canada.

Kelly’s new coffee table book “Delight” comes out in May.

Instagram: @kellypelfreyart


The CCAL is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: CCAL General Meeting

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 894 0493 6824

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Meeting ID: 894 0493 6824

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A reminder to our members about the TAP Gallery Wall Display:

Mar 26 - Apr 18

  • The Artists Place (TAP) Gallery theme: Juried Show Award Winners

Apr 18 - May 16

  • The Artists Place (TAP) Gallery theme: Coastal Marshes

May 16 - Sept 19

  • The Artists Place (TAP) Gallery theme: Annual Contest Artwork

All members are invited to participate. A monthly Best in Show will be selected and awarded a ribbon. Happy creating!


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