Sandra Oliver

Nov 16, 20221 min

The Artists' Place "TAP" Gallery Themes

October Theme - Abstracts

Allyn Bedenbaugh, Public Galleries Coordinator, is announcing the monthly schedule for the TAP Gallery through February 2024. This will give our members more time to plan ahead and to participate by sharing their paintings and photographs with the patrons of Crooked Creek Recreation Center.


November Fall Colors, Fall Designs (Hang until January meeting.)

December No General Meeting - Offsite Christmas Party

January Street Scenes

February Figures and/or Portraits (Hang until March 31.)

March No General Meeting - Juried Show Reception

April Juried Show Winners

May-August Members Contest Exhibit


September 2023 Juried Show "Best in Show" Winner's Exhibit

October The Warmth of the Sun

November Autumn

December No General Meeting - Offsite Christmas Party

January On the Farm

February Flowers

Crooked Creek Art League thanks the staff of CCRC for selecting a "Best in Show" from the art displayed each month. October's award winner was Judy Maples. Her winning entry is the top middle painting below

This information is also posted on the Crooked Creek Art League's website.
