the CCAL

Jun 1, 20181 min

2017-2018 Outstanding Member of the Year: Ron Weathers

Updated: Sep 15, 2020

CCAL is happy to recognize Ron for all the wonderful things he has done to support the league.

Each year, CCAL recognizes a special member who has gone above and beyond the call of duty to benefit the league. They are recognized by the membership for the important work they have done in addition to any assigned duties. Ron is a longtime member who has much for the league for many years. We owe him our gratitude for sure! He was nominated by two people this year for the award. The text of his nominations reads as follows:

  1. I nominate Ron for coordinating the installation of lights in the back hall of the park, as well as a new hanging system there, as well as our TAP gallery up front. The League will be forever grateful of his efforts!

  2. Ron has been a steady support for the league for many years. He is always willing to step up anytime he is asked. Not only did he and Carol open their home to us for the Christmas party again this year, he also did many other things as well. He donated the use of his display walls to several events like the Farmers Market and the Fall Arts Festival. He also went above and beyond in researching, ordering, working with the park and installing the new lighting system and hanging system in the back hall, the updated hanging system in the front lobby gallery and the lighting system for the new display cabinet.

Thanks Ron!
